Mitigation, Isolation, & Major Frustration: 3 Ways The Corona Quarantine Impacts Our Mental Health

It's April 22, 2020, and I've officially lost it. I've scrolled through my IG feed more times than I'll admit. I've watched (what feels like) all of Netflix. I've done every single workout video on YouTube. I've walked around my entire neighborhood 500 times. And color coated my already perfectly organized closet. I got back from a run about an hour ago. I showered, dried myself off —put on yet another pair of comfy cute pj's and sat on my bed. I sat and I stared. I stared at the wall like what now? Seriously. What now? Unfortunately, I don't know. I don't know when this shit is going to end. And I certainly don't know what life will look like once it does. What I do know, however, is how I'm feeling at this particular moment. Because I've been self-quarantining for over 30 fucking days. So yeah, I also know I'm going crazy AF, which is why I thought you might be too. Because this whole COVID-19 social distancing six feet apart thing isn't easy. It's necessary, yet, boring and tedious and is affecting us in more ways than we may have originally thought when this whole thing started. Same shit, different day. Stay home, they say. And yes. Stay the fuck home. Because I'd rather be bored, safe, and healthy than laying in a hospital bed attached to a fucking ventilator. But still, it sucks. Here are three reasons why.